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Well, come to think of it
Kid, honestly I could go on and on
I can explain every natural phenomenon
The tide, the grass, the ground, oh
That was Maui just messing around

I killed an eel
I buried its guts
Sprouted a tree, now you got coconuts
What's the lesson
What is the take-away
Don't mess with Maui when he's on a breakaway

And the tapestry here on my skin
Is a map of the victories I win
Look where I've been
I make everything happen
Look at that mean mini-Maui just tickety-tappin'
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Hey!

Well, anyway let me say you're welcome
(You're welcome)
For the wonderful world you know
Hey, it's okay, it's okay
You're welcome
(You're welcome)
Well, come to think of it, I gotta go

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